Giving A Little Bit Back
Our pledge is simple: for every full course we run, we will donate 10% of the gross profit from the course to a charity or an individual chosen by the top-performing student, as voted by the course candidates.
The recipient could be someone in need of a little help or support or a charity of choice, all we ask is that the need be genuine which we will verify this before donating.
The top performing student will be chosen by all the candidates as their "Candidate of choice," and will also receive a certificate of merit from James Consulting.
This certificate isn't just another piece of paper; it is a testament that when they needed to put in a little more effort, they did so, and the results were clear to see, it can also be added to their curriculum vitae or resume as well to make it stand out from the crowd.
Remember "Every day is a learning day"
James .....
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